認識愛愛的人大概都認識愛愛手中的那隻北極熊. 那是她約一歲多時一位從前我們認識學生團契的一位阿姨由聖荷西來聖地牙哥探望我們時在聖地牙哥動物園買來送愛愛的禮物. 愛愛從小睡覺不用人陪, 就是這隻熊陪她度過許許多多甜甜的美夢, 所以她和這隻熊的感情深厚, 沒有任何一個玩具可以取代.
愛愛給北極熊取了Corilla 這個名字. Corilla 也因愛愛對它的喜愛就像是我們家的一份子, 到哪裡都要與我們同行. 每次回加州, 愛愛總親自帶著它上飛機, 去福音營 ,度假, 逛街... 都有它的蹤跡. 我雖常常洗它, 因愛愛走到哪裡都帶著它, 阿公曾親自用手洗, 將它漂白, 奶奶也洗過它, 它還是黑黑的, 但它永遠是愛愛的最愛.
我曾開玩笑說Corilla 是我們家的老三, 沒有它同遊, 連我都會覺得少了什麼.
老公的舅媽說老公的表妹, 去大學時還不忘帶上陪她長大的一隻兔子玩偶. 我以為這也會是我們家愛愛日後的光景.
最近我忽然發現Corilla 不再跟著愛愛下樓了. 它就乖乖等在愛愛床上. 每晚陪愛愛睡覺.
最近我忽然發現Corilla 不再跟著愛愛下樓了. 它就乖乖等在愛愛床上. 每晚陪愛愛睡覺.
我為愛愛開心, 她長大了, 不用再天天時時刻刻抱著Corilla 成為她安全的依靠了.
Of course we remembered her!
By the way, yesterday, the 饅頭 turned out to be good, but the bread was not. I guessed that when I burshed the egg, I used the whole egg on the bread, and it made the bread sticky. Next time, when you come to the Bay Area, please show me again.
Yes, when you use the egg to brush the bread, you only need very little, just enough to cover the surface is good. Sure, I will love to show you again in two weeks. Jen has a bread machine too. I can use hers to show you when we both in Sacramento.
謝謝媽. 我覺得愛長的像我現在更像我小時候.
Ro still carries her blanket, but she would not carry it when Kuo Ma Ma is around. Kuo Ma Ma told Cheryl that when she sees her carrying her blanket, her blood pressure would raise.
Corilla is not a common name. How did she come up with that name?
The name of Cheryl's blanket is "Blank" or "BCC".
Why Kuo Ma Ma' blood pressure will rise? I don't know how Aiai got this name Corilla? She just sounded it out I guess......
Because Kuo Ma Ma hates to see Cheryl carrying her blanket.
She told the kids when they make her unhappy, her blood pressure will raise.
Is Kuo Mama being serious or funny?
I have no idea...
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